About Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario
What is Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario?
Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario (YWHO) is an Integrated Youth Services (IYS) initiative designed to address the service gaps in the youth mental health and substance use sectors in Ontario.
YWHO supports local service providers to work together in a new way, providing young people in Ontario aged 12 to 25 with access to a full range of integrated services that support their individual needs, including mental health and substance use supports, primary care, education, employment, housing and other social services in one youth-friendly space. YWHO's IYS model is designed to improve experiences and outcomes for youth by:
- Increasing access to rapid, low-barrier services;
- Reducing transitions by providing care in one location; and,
- Providing tailored, high-quality programs co-developed with youth to meet their needs.