Safer space

Information for Families & Caregivers

Families and Caregivers Supporting Young People and Youth Wellness Hubs Ontario: A Circle of Care

For youth relying on their local Youth Wellness Hub, their circle of care extends beyond the service providers and plays a critical role in their journey. Individuals supporting youth is unique to each case, and can include anyone from families, caregivers, guardians, friends, partners, loved ones, support networks, and others.

Navigating youth mental health and substance use services to support youth can be challenging. It may be emotional, confusing, overwhelming, and isolating. YWHO is here to help.

Our youth wellness hubs are consistently working with families and caregivers to determine their needs, ensure they feel acknowledged and accepted, understand the role they play in a young person’s life, and are appropriately involved in any next steps in the process. If you have questions about the services for youth or the involvement of families and caregivers, please contact your local hub. They can provide you with specifics on the process and what to expect.

As a family member or caregiver, what does the YWHO experience look like?

YWHO service providers focus on creating a safe, respectful, and accepting space for anyone who walks through the in-person or virtual door. YWHO recognizes that there are many individuals who support young people, including family members, caregivers, friends, guardians, and other caring relationships within youth’s circles of care.

Our local hub teams work to ensure welcoming, meaningful, and high quality experiences for all families and caregivers, in collaboration with YWHO’s youth and family advisories.

Creating welcoming atmospheres

From the first encounter with hub staff, YWHO’s goal is to ensure families and caregivers feel comfortable and understand that they are an important part of youth’s care teams.

Families and caregivers are invited to participate in the development of youth’s treatment plans, and are also offered services they may need throughout their journeys, when appropriate.

Fostering open communication

As families and caregivers, your feedback, input, challenges, and goals are important for hubs to hear and understand in order to provide the best care possible. Our hub teams do their best to ensure families and caregivers feel validated and have the resources and information needed to support youth and themselves.

Building Trust

Trust between families and caregivers, youth, and service providers can contribute to better treatment outcomes. Our youth wellness teams take the time to hear the voices of families and caregivers, understand any frustrations, provide support opportunities, and follow up to ensure goals and challenges are being addressed as effectively as possible.